

Product Links - Buy Online!

Here you will find our “affiliate links” for the product lines we use that offer them. Using these links helps our business thrive by reducing the amount of shelf stock we need to purchase and encouraging product lines to reward salon professionals for using their merchandise. Please click the title of each for the affiliate link and thank you for your support!

Innersense Organic Beauty

Our go-to line for curl setting, luxurious shampoo and conditioner and clean styling options. Organic and clean focused, amazing herbal scents using essential oils and water soluble, so no build up.


Cult & King 

Pro- small business, reusable, no-waste packaging and amazing botanical scents. Awesome for wavy hair that likes to be wild, and for second or third day styling.

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The home of New Wash, the shampoo alternative. Also a great range of simple, clean, styling products for a minimalist approach to hair.
